Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April 1, 2009

This pic just cracked me up....all the Disney princesses being goofy.
This is a day of remembering. We lost my mom eight years ago today. We always laugh that it was on April Fool's Day. If you knew my mom, you can see the humor. I miss her more every day.
It is supposed to rain today. Yes, it is 2:30 AM and I am awake. I didn't attend the Washington dinner last night...just not feeling just right. Maybe a cold coming on. Pat and I both went to bed early~like 9 but I woke up about 12 to take Brody out and couldn't go back to sleep. Just surfing the internet and decided to update the blog.
Hope you don't get too many April fools jokes played on you today :)

I added some pictures of my mom....funny there aren't many that aren't school photos....imagine that LOL

Miss Firestone....she would kill me if she knew I did this one.....

Dad, mom and I when I was VERY young

Mom and I

Hey look ~we are doing the "teacher look" LOL

Family picture in 1967~sheez to look like that again!!

Mom and Jeremy~her last Christmas

Don't remember which late night show said this but thought it was funny: You know the president is visiting the queen....supposedly he asked her if she wanted America back. Well, I thought it was funny...given the state of our economy.


Rachel B said...

I love the old pics of your family!!! They're great!!