Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 26, 2009

OMG! Thia Kindle is awesome! I have downloaded my first book. "Twilight" I figure I can read a series so that will keep me under control. LOL It is so easy to get the books with one click. Being from a small town where Wally World or a drug store is the only place to get the latest book, it is a Godsend. But can also be hazardous if you know what I mean. I fear I am going to turn into my mother after all with my nose in a book all the time....not a bad thing.
Supposed to be a beautiful day in the 60's but rain is learking. Having lunch with Linda C. today and then Washington staff dinner tonight at the Warehouse. They are under new management so we are looking forward to trying it out. Will be good to see everyone and catch up.
Hoping Jeremy and Mandi hear soon about their apartment. Waiting for paper work etc. Mandi is busy this week with spelling bee and Jeremy is working. They did finally get the box I sent them with the spice cake mix in it. Can you believe they can't find it in Florida!
Happy Day to everyone! Enjoy the warm weather in Ohio!