Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25, 2010

Well it was a very quiet Christmas in the McKenzie house. Mandi and Paula came to visit on Wednesday and we had a lovely lunch. Discussed wedding plans and things that still needed bought and decided on.

Pat caught a terrible cold which turned into bronchitis. It started on Tues. and by Thurs. he was home from work which NEVER happens. He finally gave in on Christmas eve and went to he ER to get some meds. I got up with a sore throat so guess who is next??? They delivered his new lazy boy yesterday so he was able to sit up and sleep which helped. By the way he liked the chair even though he did admit he thought for sure that is what he was getting. I got my laser printer and can't wait to get it set up and started. Pat got me the wireless option so that will be super nice! Those were the two big gifts we got this year for each other so along with some smaller items it was a great Christmas.

Missing Jeremy this year ...AGAIN! He is not able to come home for the holidays since it is a busy time of year for golfers. Just doesn't seem like Christmas without your children home no matter how old they are.

Postponed Christmas dinner with brother and sister til next weekend when maybe we will both be feeling better. Not gonna waste that prime rib when we are too sick to enjoy it.LOL

Hope everyone had a wonderful, Merry Christmas!