Tuesday, July 06, 2010

July 6, 2010

Well half of the couple is home in Ohio. Mandi came in this morning. Jeremy will come in next Tuesday...did I say I CAN'T WAIT!!! Haven't seen him since Thanksgiving.

Our storm door had a slight accident the other day. Pat decided he must have hit it with a stone when weed whacking. Anyways it shattered. So he took it to be replaced. In the meantime, he sanded the main door and painted it. Years ago we took off the white decor on it and had never refinished it. If you look REALLY close you can still see the indents of it but I think it is much nicer without the dated details. Pat did a wonderful job and it looks GREAT.

The weather has been brutal....in the 90's. Pat and I were on the deck last night and the dogs were in the yard running and chasing. He filled up their pool so they could cool off. We were talking about one of our previous jacks, Bailey who loved the water. Pat said he wouldn't be surprised if Emma didn't just lay down in the pool (which Bailey never did) and before we knew it Emma was laying down in the middle relaxing. She is a character! I guess since she has so much hair she likes the water. Of course brother Brody had to get in as well and for awhile thought she should not be in "his" pool. Dad quickly set him straight on that one...lol. Both of them had fun and slept like logs all night. Just like kids!

Gonna be a fun time with Mandi and Jeremy home. Can't wait.