Ok tried to upload a picture but it does not seem to be working???? Jeremy and Mandi are cooking up a storm for the orphans. They love doing this feast each year. VERY fond memories of two years ago when we were there for Thanksgiving and Jeremy proposed and Mandi said yes!! What a GREAT night it was (even though it was Black Friday lol)
Mike and Pat are in charge of Thanksgiving dinner at the McKenzie house this year. Steak on the grill, baked potatoes, and salad....VERY non traditional dinner. Hey, they are cooking and minimal work on my part...who am I to complain. ;)
Massage today and then off to Z'ville for a haircut. May do some shopping if it isn't storming. Supposed to rain most of the day today and some storms in the area.
Wishing everyone a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!
Art Museum
10 years ago